Medicaid Expansion in Nebraska Dies for the Session

(NRN)--State lawmakers made quick work of the latest attempt to expand Medicaid in Nebraska...shelving the measure for the remainder of the session.

Senator Kathy Campbell of Lincoln tells colleagues she made changes to tailor her bill to Nebraska. Say that LB472 pays for itself, returns tax dollars and saves Nebraskans money.

Supporters argue Nebraska has passed on two billion dollars in federal funds by NOT expanding Medicaid.

Senator Beau McCoy of Omaha counters the argument saying it is our children and grand children who will have to pay for it and that the nation is 18 trillion dollars in debt. He pointed out the federal money is our tax dollars.

Senator Mike Gloor of Grand Island says Medicaid expansion could have a great impact on health care in the state. Saying that this bill requires good things to happen that change our delivery model that pays for performance. He says it would encourage patients to stop using emergency rooms for things they could see their primary care physician for. 


Opponents used filibusters in the past to kill the measure. They didn't need to this year, voting instead to bracket, or shelve, the bill until the last day of the session.


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