Silver Haired Legislature Urges for Reform

(KAIR) -- The 30th annual Kansas Silver Haired Legislature concluded on Thursday, with 60 representatives voting on 10 of proposed resolutions and bills.

The Silver Haired Legislature is a body of individuals aged 60 and older who are elected by their peers to develop bills and resolutions that are of interest to Kansas’ older adults and their families.

They work with members of the Kansas Legislature to get their proposed legislation introduced and debated as bills in the state Legislature.

Bills included a Resolution urging the Kansas Legislature to provide additional funding for the Home and Community Based Services/Frail Elderly Waiver to provide older adults with all needed dental health services.

They also passed an Act concerning postsecondary educational institutions, relating to fingerprinting and criminal history record check of nursing program applicants.
This means nursing program applicants would be required to be fingerprinted and have a background check and would not be admitted if they have certain felony convictions.

Resolution urging the Kansas Legislature to call upon U.S. Congress to support funding for the U.S. Postal Service to ensure that senior residents in rural Kansas have continued access to operating community post offices.

Regional delegates included Michael Keohane of Leavenworth, D. Layton Lucas of Everest, Kathleen Haag of Hiawatha, Ruth Ensley-Kunz of Onaga, Dave Carlson of Seneca, Barbara Hutchinson of Circleville, Galen Weiland of Bendena.

This year’s sessions were held in the Ramada Inn in downtown Topeka.

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