Royal Valley Students Gain Commission Support

The quest continues for a group of 8th grade Royal Valley Middle School students seeking monies needed to fund their successful highway renaming project. 

Gaining legislative approval to designate a three mile portion of K-79, leading to Circleville, as the Barnes Brothers Memorial Highway, their teacher, Nate McAlister, says the goal is to gain 2-thousand-280-dollars for the purchase of signage and up-keep(Play Audio :12 seconds) 

McAlister, and the seven students, took their goal to the Jackson County Commission this week; and, once the Commissioners heard their plea, 500-dollars was allocated to the project. 

Now, student Jenna Thurman says she and her fellow students have their sites set on upcoming fund-raising events(Play Audio :20 seconds) 

Order forms for the shirts, which bear images of the Barnes Brothers, can be found at the  Farmers State Bank, in Circleville, and on the Royal Valley Middle School website. 

Circleville natives Jesse and Virgil Barnes were both Major League ball players during the early 1900's. 

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