High Oil Prices to Impact Doniphan Co Road Work

The big jump in the price of road oil may limit the amount of roads Doniphan County will be chip sealing this year.
County commissioners opened bids Monday for the purchase of oil for the 2012 chip and seal season.
The commission accepted the low bid from Vance Brothers of Kansas City for $2.36 a gallon, which is 50 cents higher than last year.
The bid was among two received.
Commissioner Wayne Grable said the road and bridge fund may not be able to afford to chip seal more than 30 miles of roads and will only be able to do the roads in the worst condition this year.
Grable and Commissioner Jerry McKernan discussed rebuilding a portion of Monument Road, south of Wathena, this year and chip sealing in 2013, in order to keep the Missouri River from crossing the roadway during a highway water event, which prevents resident’s access to their property. 

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