***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
Holton Expo Set For Weekend

Getting to know your business leaders, while gaining insight into a variety of topics, will be the focus, this weekend, in Jackson County(Play Audio :19 seconds)
That's Jamie Claycamp, Executive Director for the Holton/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, looking ahead to the weekend's 28th annual Spring Business Expo(Play Audio :32 seconds)
While a number of vendors are already signed on, Claycamp says there's still room for additional businesses, organizations, or non-profit groups(Play Audio :09 seconds)
Cost for a booth varies by size, and other factors, with any related questions to be directed to the Chamber at 785-364-3963. 
The Expo begins Friday, running from 4:00 in the afternoon until 8:00 that evening.
It continues Saturday, from 7 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon, which, Claycamp says, is an earlier start time then in years past.
Being held at the Jackson County 4-H Fair Building, in Holton, cost for admission is
3-dollars per person or 5-dollars per couple.
Students from Royal Valley High School will be on-sight, selling concessions to raise funds for the school's trip to Europe in July of next year.

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