***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
Hearings Set On Proposed School Closings

The Prairie Hills USD 113 board of education will hold public hearings this week on the proposed closure of two schools.
A hearing on the proposed closure of the Bern School will be held Monday evening ( Feb. 20th ) and a hearing on the proposed closure of the Summerfield Elementary School will be held Thursday evening ( Feb. 23).
Both meetings will begin at 7 p.m. at the schools.
Both oral and written comments will be taken at the hearings.  Patrons will be given three to five minutes per person to address the board.  A timekeeper will keep track of the time for each speaker.
Donna Whiteman, a representative from the Kansas Association of School Boards, will moderate the hearings.
School district officials say the proposed closures are being considered due to increased costs, reduced budgets and changing demographics, as well as to preserve a strong curriculum for all students of the district.
A decision on whether to close the schools will be made at a later meeting.


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