Wood stove flu pipe blamed for Atchison fire

(KAIR)--A failed flu pipe from a wood stove that was in use is named as the cause of a Tuesday evening Atchison fire that left the Branchton-area home unlivable.

Atchison Fire Chief Patrick Weishaar, in a release Wednesday evening, said investigators, earlier in the afternoon, concluded their probe, which lead to the flu pipe connection.

According to Weishaar, the fire at the 904 Henry Street home began in the attic where the flu pipe passed through, with the fire going undetected by the home's occupants due to the smoke and fire venting upward, with the fire eventually burning a hole in the exterior wall next to the chimney. The fire then spread throughout the attic unnoticed until a passerby saw flames coming from the home and called 911.

The extent of damage is still be assessed.

Weishaar says the fire department, in conjunction with the Atchison Salvation Army, is working to find resources needed by the displaced residents.

No injuries are reported.

The fire began Tuesday evening shortly before 7:00.

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  aiden banker  (02/02/2025 12:27 PM)

   A cat died in the fire. One of her pets. I’d call that an injury