***Closings***    Jackson County Courthouse Closed Wednesday *** NEK-CAP Offices & Centers - All Closed on Wednesday *** Nemaha County Meals on Wheels and Public Transportation Closed Wednesday *** Cardiac Rehab at Amberwell Hiawatha Cancelled for Wednesday *** Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
Atchison stabbing injures one

(KAIR)--A disturbance that led to a stabbing in the parking lot of an Atchison convenience store Monday is under the investigation of Atchison Police.

Police Chief Mike Wilson tells MSC News the aggravated battery occurred early-evening, at 6:50, in the 900 block of Unity Street.

According to Wilson, two men were involved in the disturbance, with one, identified as 34-years-old, sustaining several stab wounds that required his transport, by private vehicle, for treatment at Amberwell Atchison.

The other man, accused of the stabbing, ran from the area, remaining free as of Tuesday.

The investigation is continuing.

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