***Closings***    Holton Senior Center - Closed Wednesday *** Jackson County Courthouse Closed Wednesday *** NEK-CAP Offices & Centers - All Closed on Wednesday *** Nemaha County Meals on Wheels and Public Transportation Closed Wednesday *** Cardiac Rehab at Amberwell Hiawatha Cancelled for Wednesday *** Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha *** Auburn Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Public Schools Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Sacred Heart Closed Wednesday *** Highland Community College - All Campuses and Classes Cancelled Wednesday *** Humboldt Table Rock Steinaur Closed Wednesday *** Johnson County Central Schools Closed Wednesday *** Kickapoo Nation School - Closed Wednesday *** Maur Hill - Mount Academy closed Wednesday *** Pawnee City Schools Closed Wednesday *** Saint Benedict Catholic School closed Wednesday *** Sterling Schools Closed Wednesday *** Table Rock Head Start Closed Wednesday *** USD 111 Doniphan West closed Wednesday. No parent/teacher conferences *** USD 113 Prairie Hills - Closed Wednesday *** USD 114 Riverside - Closed Wednesday *** USD 115 Nemaha Central--closed Wednesday *** USD 322 Onaga, Havensville, Wheaton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 335 Jackson Heights - Closed Wednesday *** USD 336 Holton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 337 Royal Valley - Closed Wednesday *** USD 338 Valley Falls - Closed Wednesday *** USD 340 Jeff West - Closed Wednesday *** USD 341 Oskaloosa - Closed Wednesday *** USD 342 McLouth - Closed Wednesday *** USD 343 Perry Lecompton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 372 Silver Lake - Closed Wednesday *** USD 377 ACCHS - Closed Wednesday *** USD 409 Atchison-closed Wednesday *** USD 415 Hiawatha--closed Wednesday *** USD 429 Troy - Closed Wednesday *** USD 430 South Brown County--closed Wednesday ***
Richardson County Sheriff's Dept releases annual report

(KLZA)-- The Richardson County Sheriff's Office has released a report on their 2024 activities and included statistics from the past five years as well.

Drugs, especially methamphetamine have been a continuing problem in the country and Richardson County.

With the use and sales of hard drugs comes many other crimes such as thefts, burglaries, and many others.

Those crimes were especially prevalent in years past, and that is why the Richardson County Sheriff- Office has made investigating drug crimes their number 1 priority according to Sheriff Rick Hardesty.

In the past five years, the Richardson County Sheriff's Office has made over 18,000 traffic stops and executed more than 220 search warrants, 80 of which were residential search warrants.

During those 5 years, deputies have seized drugs of nearly every class including methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, fentanyl, psylocibin mushrooms, marijuana, concentrated THC products and various illegal pills.

Many of those seizures included firearms and drug money.

During 2024, the Sheriff's Department continued their proactive enforcement by making over 4,000 traffic stops and executing 25 residential search warrants, 9 more than any other year in the past 5.

Search warrants were executed in Dawson (4), Falls City (13), Humboldt (5), rural Richardson County (2), and Stella (1).

One notable case included a large methamphetamine investigation, in early 2024, that resulted in numerous search warrants and arrests in Falls City, rural Richardson County, and Humboldt. That investigation also resulted in deputies identifying methamphetamine suppliers in Missouri and Kansas. Coordination with partners in those jurisdictions resulted in arrests of those subjects as well. Other notable cases include an investigation with the Nebraska Game and Parks that resulted in the seizure of

9 pounds of marijuana and 7 firearms in Humboldt and a pursuit with a stolen vehicle that resulted in the apprehension of 2 wanted juveniles out of North Dakota.

Multiple other cases were investigated by deputies including cases of child exploitation.

In addition to being proactive, deputies make it a priority to be in every area and town of the County multiple times a day and night. Deputies work 24/7 patrolling every corner of the county in an effort to catch anyone who thinks it- a good idea to come to this County and conduct criminal activity.

2024 Stats:

Calls for Service (including traffic stops): 7,190

Total Traffic Stops: 4,28; Search Warrants: 50 (25 residential

Total Jail Bookings: 567 with 472 by the Sheriff's Department, 72 by other agencies and there were 23 out of county holds.

Calls For Service including Traffic Stops; 2020 to 2024 (33, 419)

( The first number for each year is the total with the second number those done by the RCSD)

Traffic Stop Statistics for 2020 to 2024 (18,445)

2020: 4,079 2020: 1,554

2021: 6,931 2021: 3,484

2022: 7,293 2022: 3,958

2023: 7,926 2023: 5,168

2024: 7,190 2024: 4,281

Jail Bookings Total 2020 to 2024 (2,860) Jail Bookings

By RCSO 2020 to 2024 (2,302)

2020: 470 2020: 297

2021: 583 2021: 466

2022: 664 2022: 567

2023: 576 2023: 500

2024: 567 2024: 472

Search Warrant Statistic for 2020 to 2024

Residential Search Warrants (80 Total)

2020: 14

2021: 16

2022: 14

2023: 11

2024: 25

Total Search Warrants (220 Total) (Electronic Devices, Residences, Vehicles, Social Media, etc.)

2020: 14 (Residential was the only statistic kept for 2020)

2021: 50

2022: 81

2023: 25

2024: 50

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