***Closings***    Holton Senior Center - Closed Wednesday *** Jackson County Courthouse Closed Wednesday *** NEK-CAP Offices & Centers - All Closed on Wednesday *** Nemaha County Meals on Wheels and Public Transportation Closed Wednesday *** Cardiac Rehab at Amberwell Hiawatha Cancelled for Wednesday *** Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha *** Auburn Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Public Schools Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Sacred Heart Closed Wednesday *** Highland Community College - All Campuses and Classes Cancelled Wednesday *** Humboldt Table Rock Steinaur Closed Wednesday *** Johnson County Central Schools Closed Wednesday *** Kickapoo Nation School - Closed Wednesday *** Maur Hill - Mount Academy closed Wednesday *** Pawnee City Schools Closed Wednesday *** Saint Benedict Catholic School closed Wednesday *** Sterling Schools Closed Wednesday *** Table Rock Head Start Closed Wednesday *** USD 111 Doniphan West closed Wednesday. No parent/teacher conferences *** USD 113 Prairie Hills - Closed Wednesday *** USD 114 Riverside - Closed Wednesday *** USD 115 Nemaha Central--closed Wednesday *** USD 322 Onaga, Havensville, Wheaton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 335 Jackson Heights - Closed Wednesday *** USD 336 Holton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 337 Royal Valley - Closed Wednesday *** USD 338 Valley Falls - Closed Wednesday *** USD 340 Jeff West - Closed Wednesday *** USD 341 Oskaloosa - Closed Wednesday *** USD 342 McLouth - Closed Wednesday *** USD 343 Perry Lecompton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 372 Silver Lake - Closed Wednesday *** USD 377 ACCHS - Closed Wednesday *** USD 409 Atchison-closed Wednesday *** USD 415 Hiawatha--closed Wednesday *** USD 429 Troy - Closed Wednesday *** USD 430 South Brown County--closed Wednesday ***
Seneca City Council approves site for electrical project

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--After months of discussion, the Seneca City Council has approved a site for the new substation and generation project.

On the recommendation of the council's utility committee, the City Council voted unanimously Wednesday evening to go with the Jaycee's ball field site for the location of the project, which will include 3 generators.

It was among two sites considered.

Utility committee member Joe Schmelzle said its the cheapest site and the best use of taxpayer funds.

City Administrator Steve Brooks said the project layout has been changed to allow for more green space at the ball field site. He also said some trees could be planted in the future to improve the aesthetic appeal.

Brooks said plans are to re-locate the ball field to Skoch Park.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, Lacy Bergman addressed the Council with her concerns about food trucks being allowed in the downtown commercial business district, which she says hurt local businesses. Bergman said food trucks should be limited to times when local businesses are not in operation, and asked that the city ordinance be changed. Mayor Joe Mitchell said he agreed and has asked the city administrator to draft a revised ordinance for Council consideration.

In other business, an ordinance was approved establishing new water rates as approved by the Council at their January 2nd meeting. The new rates will take effect next month.

In a related matter, the Council approved a new water rate agreement with Nemaha County Rural Water District #3.

The Council also accepted the resignation of police officer Austin Watts.

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