***Closings***    Holton Senior Center - Closed Wednesday *** Jackson County Courthouse Closed Wednesday *** NEK-CAP Offices & Centers - All Closed on Wednesday *** Nemaha County Meals on Wheels and Public Transportation Closed Wednesday *** Cardiac Rehab at Amberwell Hiawatha Cancelled for Wednesday *** Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha *** Auburn Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Public Schools Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Sacred Heart Closed Wednesday *** Highland Community College - All Campuses and Classes Cancelled Wednesday *** Humboldt Table Rock Steinaur Closed Wednesday *** Johnson County Central Schools Closed Wednesday *** Kickapoo Nation School - Closed Wednesday *** Maur Hill - Mount Academy closed Wednesday *** Pawnee City Schools Closed Wednesday *** Saint Benedict Catholic School closed Wednesday *** Sterling Schools Closed Wednesday *** Table Rock Head Start Closed Wednesday *** USD 111 Doniphan West closed Wednesday. No parent/teacher conferences *** USD 113 Prairie Hills - Closed Wednesday *** USD 114 Riverside - Closed Wednesday *** USD 115 Nemaha Central--closed Wednesday *** USD 322 Onaga, Havensville, Wheaton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 335 Jackson Heights - Closed Wednesday *** USD 336 Holton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 337 Royal Valley - Closed Wednesday *** USD 338 Valley Falls - Closed Wednesday *** USD 340 Jeff West - Closed Wednesday *** USD 341 Oskaloosa - Closed Wednesday *** USD 342 McLouth - Closed Wednesday *** USD 343 Perry Lecompton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 372 Silver Lake - Closed Wednesday *** USD 377 ACCHS - Closed Wednesday *** USD 409 Atchison-closed Wednesday *** USD 415 Hiawatha--closed Wednesday *** USD 429 Troy - Closed Wednesday *** USD 430 South Brown County--closed Wednesday ***
USD 415 board approves 2025-26 calendar

( KNZA)--The Hiawatha School Board approved the calendar for the 2025-26 school year when they meet Monday evening.

The first day of school will be August 14 and the last day of school will be May 21. Winter break will take place December 19-January 2nd, and spring break will be held March 16-20.

The calendar calls for a total of 172 student contact days.

The calendar is developed with the input of a committee of staff from each of the school buildings.

In other business, Dustin Avery, the district's bond representative with Piper Sandler, discussed the state of the current bond as well as future bond options.

Avery discussed several different bond scenarios, along with timelines for potential future bond issues. Avery said if the board is targeting a November election then August would be the latest action would need to be taken, and if a spring of 2026 election is what the board is targeting they would need to act in January of 2026.

In board accepted a bid from IAO Electric, of rural Hiawatha, for a new back-up generator at the middle school in the amount of $34,925. It was among 3 bids received.

The board approved the purchase a new 71-passenger bus for $142,459.

Following an executive session, the board accepted the resignation of elementary school Title 1 teacher Emily Chandler, effective at the end of the current school year.

The board also approved the hiring of Matt Morton as head high school boys and girls track and field coach and Ryan Smith as middle school basketball coach.

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