Falls City School Board accepts Superintendent's resignation

(KLZA)-- During a special meeting of the Falls City Board of Education Wednesday evening, the Board accepted the resignation of Tim Heckenlively as Superintendent of Schools.

In his letter of resignation, Heckenlively said he will retire from District 56 at the end of June, 2025 after serving as superintendent for 15 years.

He said while he closes this chapter of his professional career, he will explore new opportunities in education.

Heckenlively said his time with Falls City Public Schools has been the highlight of his career, noting it was a privilege to collaborate with an exceptional board of education, dedicated educators and support staff and a supported community.

Prior to being named Superintendent, Heckenlively spent 10 years with District 56 as an elementary administrator and Director of Special Education and Federal Programs.

Heckenlively said he is incredibly proud of the accomplishments achieved during his tenure which include expanding partnerships and student opportunities with Southeast Community College. Implementation of the Falls City Public Schools Strategic Plan which focus on raising student achievements, facilities master planning and educator recruitment and retention. Also noted was expansion of Early Childhood Programs, Introduction of the Mental Health Partnership with Community Medical Center; Maintaining a strong financial standing, updates to curriculum and technology, implementation of facility updates and improvements and integrating Falls City Public Schools into a competitive activities conference.

Heckenlively said there has been big shifts in a number of areas during his time at Falls City including a move toward more career and technical opportunities for high school students and the different methods utilized to prepare students for life beyond high school. He said there has also been a shift in corp academics with state standards becoming more rigorous, especially in reading and math which has filtered clear down to the lower elementary grades.

The Board also voted to select the Nebraska Association of School Boards as the consultant to assist in the superintendent search process during the meeting.

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