Horton " Festival of Lights" Sunday

(KNZA)--The annual “ Festival of Lights” Christmas Luminaries will be held in Horton Sunday evening, December 8th.

The event, being put on by the South Brown County Ministerial Association, will take place from 5:30 to 7:00.

The Luminaries transform ten city blocks into 17 living scenes in the life of Christ. Members of the Ministerial Association churches take their places as Bible characters in a setting of live animals, colorful props, costumes and music.

13-hundred candles outline the route, which will begin at the junction of Highways 73 and K-20. A route guide indicting all of the scenes will be handed out at the beginning of the drive.

The event draws hundreds of people each year.

A free-will donation may be dropped in a receptacle at the end of the route, with the funds going to support the ministries of the South Brown Ministerial Association.

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