Two arrested in Humboldt on multiple felony charges

(KLZA)-- Two people are facing multiple felony charges in Richardson County following the execution of a search warrant by the Richardson County Sheriff's Department and officials with Nebraska Game and Parks on November 17 at 520 3rd Street in Humboldt.

David Wells is facing 6 counts each of possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a firearm with a felony drug violation; possession of marijuana with intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a playground; 3 counts each of possession of a deadly weapon by a prohibited person and possession of a deadly weapon while committing a felony; no drug tax stamp; possession of concentrated THC and possession or use of drug paraphernalia.

Bianca Ramirez is facing 6 charges of possession of a firearm with a felony drug violation; possession of marijuana with intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a playground; 3 counts of possession of a deadly weapon while committing a felony; no drug tax stamp; possession of concentrated THC and 2 counts of possession or use of drug paraphernalia.

Both Wells and Ramirez are being held at the Richardson County Jail.

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