Falls City School Board adopts Strategic Plan

(KLZA)-- The Falls City Board of Education adopted the Strategic Plan Goals for 2024-2025 when they met Monday evening.

The plan focuses on raising student achievement through targeted initiatives aimed at enhancing learning and aims to ensure continued progress and effectiveness, positioning the Falls City School District for future success.

Key goals outlined are:

Student Achievement and Well-being: which includes improving performance in Language Arts and Math; Strengthening Special Education and behavioral support services, expanding extracurricular and youth activities and enhanced student safety and well being.

Facilities & Infrastructure: Aligning facilities with educational goals and best practices, evaluating building configurations and planning for space reconfigurations and renovations. and assessing and improving safety security and compliance and development of a long-term master plan to expand Career and Technical Education and Early Childhood Education spaces.

Addressing Educator Shortages: District 56 will implement strategies to attract and retain high-quality teachers and staff.

School Finance and Resources: The goal is to sustain district programs despite funding challenges and recent legislation impacts.

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