Community Medical Center Health Fair

(KLZA)--Community Medical Center in Falls City will host a Health Fair Tuesday from 4 - 6 p.m. at the Southeast Community College Learning Center located at 3200 Bill Schock Blvd.

The event will be held from 4 - 6 p.m. and will include health screenings, blood pressure and blood sugar checks; flu shots; Medicare Enrollment information, with CMC Services including Special Medical Clinic representatives, Dr. Adam Striet an Orthopedic doctor; The Family Medicine Clinic; Chronic Care Management; Diabetes Wellness; Smoking Cessation; Behavior Health; physical, occupational and speech therapy services, dry needling and pelvic floor therapy and lymphedema.

Community Partners including Kobza Dental, Kex RX Pharmacy; Memory Care Support; SENCA; Senor Living, the Southeast District Health Department; Blue Rivers; Sixpence, Home Instead; Head Start; Acera Care and St. Croix Hospice.

There will be catered food on site.

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