Council approves renewal of employee insurance plan

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--The Seneca City Council has approved renewal of the employee health and dental insurance plan with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas.

The Council took the action when the met last week.

Rates will increase about 4 percent when the plan renews August 1st.

In other business, the Council approved the hiring of Russel Lierz for the position of maintenance worker. Lierz began work May 20th at a starting salary of $18.20 an hour. He was among two candidates interviewed for the position.

The Council also approved the hiring of two summer maintenance workers. Cole Hermesch was hired for $12.75 an hour and Roy Blevins for $12 an hour.

In addition, the Council accepted the low bid of $30,000 from Midwest Engineering Group to perform a Preliminary Engineering Review of the city- water system. City Administrator Steve Brooks said the PER is needed when applying for grants to fund water system projects.

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