Atchison Co's Laurie seeks another term as Sheriff

(KAIR)--Atchison County Sheriff Jack Laurie has filed to seek another term in the office he's held for more than a decade.

According to Laurie, he filed by petition Monday with the Atchison County Clerk's Office.

In a release issued by Laurie Wednesday, he says that over the past 11-years of holding the office, his "commitment to serving Atchison County with dedication and integrity has never wavered," adding that his "filing for re-election is not just a continuation of my career but an opportunity to build on the solid foundation we have established."

Laurie, in the release, cites what he calls "significant milestones" achieved throughout his tenure as Sheriff, saying they include "enhanced public safety measures, improved community engagement, upgraded technology, and improved the security and safety of both inmates and employees."

Laurie, a Republican, is challenged in his bid for reelection by a member of his own party, Lancaster resident Adam Potts, who filed earlier this month.

Candidates have until noon, June 3 to file at the Atchison County Clerk's Office.

The primary election will be held August 6 and the general election will take place November 5.

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