Blue Rapids named site for KS Sampler “ pop-up” event

(KMZA)--The Kansas Sampler Foundation has announced that the Big Kansas Road Trip is changing its format to encourage more exploring in the state.

The Big Kansas Road Trip was designed six years ago to provide the public firsthand experiences in rural communities and to give these cities a chance to showcase who they are and what they have.

From May 2-5, hundreds of Kansans explored events and attractions in Ellsworth and Lincoln Counties and the community of Lucas.

Beginning in August, the Kansas Sampler Foundation said in a release that the event will transition to multiple one-day “pop-up” experiences throughout the year, providing more opportunities for exploring more areas of the state.

The first pop-up event will take place on Aug. 24 in Blue Rapids, when Kansas Explorer Club members and the public are invited to the town for activities in collaboration with Blue Rapids’ Fun Day Festival.

Sarah Green, co-director of the Kansas Sampler Foundation, said the new format of one-day pop-up adventures will allow them to take people to areas that would not have been able to handle a four-day event.

The Big Kansas Road Trip grew out of the Kansas Sampler Festival, which, for 28 years, brought together communities of all sizes to share all manners of ways to see, do, hear, taste, buy, and learn in Kansas.

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