City agrees to contribute funding to golf course

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--The City of Seneca will contribute $10,000 annually to the Spring Creek Golf Course over the next four years under an agreement approved by the City Council last week.

Also as part of the agreement, the city will waive licensing requirements for all carts owned or leased by the golf course and operated within the golf course property and Spring Creek Development.

In agreeing to make the annual financial contribution, the agreement states the city acknowledges "the economic and recreational value that the Spring Creek Golf Course brings to the community."

Under terms of the agreement, the Spring Creek Golf Course will submit a copy of the audited financial statement for the preceding year no later than December 31st of each year.

In other business, the Seneca Fire Department presented its annual report. The department responded to 55 calls last year and firefighters accumulated 533.5 hours of training. During the department's annual elections last month, Tom Haug was re-elected as chief for 2024, Travis Emmons as 1st assistant chief and Brad Kramer as 2nd assistant chief.

The Council also approved the purchase of a used Case asphalt roller at a cost of $30,000.

The Council tabled action on bids received for City Park sidewalk construction and the purchase of a new vehicle for the city administrator.

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