Survey to be sent to Brown Co households

(KNZA)--Brown County residents will soon have an opportunity to participate in a countywide survey that is intended to quantify their preference on several key issues, and/or opportunities that will shape the future of the county

The Brown County Planning Commission worked with the ETC Market Research Institute, of Olathe, to develop the survey.

According to a news release, the survey is to be sent by direct mail to every household in the county. It will also be accessible to county residents on-line at

The release says the survey is projected to be distributed during the first part of this month.

All responses will be tabulated by the ETC Institute. Those responses are to be used to help develop a comprehensive plan for the county.

A few of the key issues, and/or, opportunities that will be in the survey include the following:

  1. Support for or opposition to wind energy (turbines)

  2. Support for or opposition to solar development/generation

  3. Willingness to increase property tax to upgrade chip and seal roads

  4. Reasons to live in Brown County

  5. Issues facing Brown County

  6. Access to parks, recreation, and the arts

  7. The need for recreation facilities

  8. Quality of infrastructure

  9. Access to social services

  10. Important traits for retaining citizens and attracting new citizens

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