Richardson County Commissioners review budget proposals

(KLZA)-- Richardson County Commissioners reviewed the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget proposals to finalize the advertisement for the public hearing when they met August 23.

Commissioners voted to approve the 1 percent additional budget authority allowed by state statute. A public budget hearing was scheduled for Wednesday, September 13, at 10 a.m. and a public heairng will be held the same day at 10:15 a.m. to receive input on setting the property tax levy at a rate other than the rate the previous year.

Following the budget review, the preliminary budget calls for expenditures of $20,322,510, a decrease of just over $1 milion amounting to 4.9 percent. However, the total tax requirement is proposed at $114,513, an increase of 1.99 percent. That amount would require a tax levy of 33.24 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, a decrease of 4.07 cents or 11 percent from last year.

Representatives with Skyline Construction met with the Board to discuss the Courthouse roof project. Equipment and materials were to be deliverd this past week with work commencing on August 25. The project is expected to be completed on or before September 5.

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