Dolly's KS visit begins Imagination Library service statewide

(MSC News)--Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, on Monday, welcomed iconic singer-songwriter and early childhood literacy advocate Dolly Parton to Kansas to celebrate the statewide expansion of her Imagination Library program.

According to a release from the Governor's office, the celebration follows the announcement last month that every child in Kansas is now eligible to participate in the program to receive one free, high-quality, age-appropriate book per month until their fifth birthday. That's a total of 60 books from birth to age 5. Kansas is now one of just 15 states where the program is available statewide, with more coming onboard later this year.

Parton, in the release, called for a celebration “by registering as many children and families as we can to receive the gift of Imagination Library books right to their home each month. Together, we can inspire children across Kansas to love books and reading, and that's a gift that will last a lifetime.”

This statewide expansion of the Imagination Library was made possible through the additional funding that was included in Governor Kelly- budget proposal at the start of the 2023 legislative session and was passed by the bipartisan Kansas legislature.

Kelly, in the release, said she felt “honored that Dolly has taken the time to help our state celebrate this exciting milestone of being able to provide the gift of reading for children and families in every part of Kansas.”

Monday's closed event welcomed nearly 500 supporters of the program and special guests hosted by the Imagination Library of Kansas, and featured a sit-down conversation between Dolly Parton and Governor Kelly where Parton also presented the governor with a copy of her book, Coat of Many Colors. Kelly, meanwhile, declared August 14 “Imagination Library of Kansas Day.”

To enroll children aged 0-5 click here.

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