Richardson County Commissioners meet

(KLZA)--Richardson County Commissioners conducted a public hearing to receive comment on the proposal to vacate a portion of a road and a structure during their July 26 meeting.

The road is approximately a half mile south of the intersecton of 717 Road and 640 Avenue. A letter from Eric Geiger on behlf of Francis Rosse, an adjacent landowner was presented , requesting an additional 40 feet of the road reman open south past the half-mile section line to continue to provide access to both landowners adjacent to the west and east side of the road. Dale James, landowner adjacent to the public road attended and was in support of closing the road but made the same request as was presented in the letter.

No action was taken by Commissioners. In a related note, the Board did not receive any bids for the purchase of the bridge structure on the road proposed to be vacated.

Sheriff Rick Hardesty reported that certification and recertification for the drug dogs nas been completed and that grant funding is being sought to assist with the expense of the drug dogs. The Sheriff also reported that a deputy will be attending an active shooter taining program in August.

Tiffany Rassmussen with the Nebraska Department of Labor presented information to Commissioner regarding an On-the-Job Training program the Department offers to employers to assist with the cost of training new hires. The program reimburses the employer 50 percent of the wages paid to the new hires while in training.

Commissioners requested County Clerk Mary Eickhoff to complete the application and submit the contract documents to the County Attorney to review. The Board will then consider the contract at the next meeting.

Following a review of a proposal to change materials for the Courthouse roof project, the Board followed the recommenaton from Prochaska & Associates to have the porject completed with the material specified in the bid document.

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