Atchison's Amelia Fest in the books for 2023

Credit: Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum/Facebook

(KAIR)--Starting with Friday night's concert, featuring headliner Sawyer Brown, to Saturday night's Concert in the Sky fireworks closer, Atchison's Amelia Earhart Festival 2023 is a wrap for another year.

The kickoff concert, traditionally held at Atchison- Warnock Lake, was this year held at the City's riverfront, the same location where the next night- entertainment, including music from Kansas City's The Women of Rock, the annual aerobatics show, complete with wing walkers, and the concluding fireworks, were held.

In between Friday night's concert and Saturday night's fireworks, other Amelia Earhart-themed activities were held elsewhere in the City, ranging from a downtown car and craft show to first-year events at the recently opened Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum, to the campus of Benedictine College, where the annual Speaker's Symposium and Pioneering Achievement Award Luncheon were held. The award this year was presented to Dr. Kathy Sullivan, the first American woman to walk in space and the first woman to go to the depths of the ocean.

Atchison each year holds the July festival in honor of Earhart, the famed aviator who called Atchison her childhood home.

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