Discoloration in Falls City water

(KLZA)--Fall City Utilities wants to inform the public that some of their customers may be experiencing a brown tint in their water due to ongoing water main replacement work between Falls City and the Rulo Water Treatment Plant.

As part of this project, a 3000 linear foot section of 20" diameter water main is being replaced. In order to complete the replacement, it was necessary to tap into the water main, drain the section, and then refill it as it was put back into service.

During the process of draining and refilling this section, the inside pipe wall underwent scouring, resulting in the dislodging of built-up sediment. As a consequence, the water in the affected area may exhibit a brown tint. They want to assure their customers that the water remains safe to drink; however, the brown tint may persist for an additional 24-48 hours.

They understand that the presence of discolored water may cause concern, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. It is important to note that this temporary discoloration does not pose any health risks and is solely due to the disturbance caused by the water main replacement work.

They recommend taking the following precautions until the water returns to its normal color:

Avoid washing light-colored clothing or fabrics with the discolored water, as it may cause staining.

Before using the water for drinking or cooking purposes, run the tap for a few minutes to flush out any residual discolored water.

If you have any concerns or require further assistance, please contact the Utility Office at 402.245.2851. Their dedicated team is available to address any questions or issues you may have.

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