SENCA school supply assistance sign-up

(KLZA)--Students in Richardson County needing assistance getting school supplies can register with Sherry at the SENCA office in Falls City. To register please call 402-245-5284

You will be asked to provide your name, phone number, child/children's name, gender and grade child is going into. All information is confidential.

Supplies will be distributed prior to the start of school year.

This year SENCA is trying something new with their Adopt a Child for School Supplies program. SENCA will take student names and grades as usual. Then they will give community members a chance to be part of the child's success by purchasing school supplies for that particular student for the grade they are in.

Each child will be assigned a number. The person will be given the child's assigned number, gender, grade and supply list needed and the date to return supplies to the SENCA office for distribution.

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