Pawnee City Council Discusses Audit and Nuisance Property

Pawnee City City Hall

(KLZA)-- No deficiencies and no findings was the report from Julie Bauman, CPA when she presented the Fiscal Year 15-16 Audit to the Pawnee City Mayor and Council Tuesday evening. 

The Council reviewed structural engineer observation reports from Jason Suelter concerning properties at 522 G Street and 526 G Street owned by Jerry Graham. Graham reported he is in discussion with someone on fixing up the buildings.

A property owned by Marissa and Travis Kobza at 601 G Street was also discussed. The former dental office has been declared dangerous and for safety reasons Mayor Charlie Hatfield has ordered barricades be placed around the building. The Kobza’s are attempting to sell the building. 

The Council requested Graham and the Kobza’s to return in 60-days with an update on their plans for the buildings.


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