Three State Beef Conference

The Tree State Beffe Conference is designed to give beff cattle producers and others in the beef industry in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska a regular update on current cow-calf and stocker topics. The conference provided a forum of specialists from three of the United States' leading beef cattle land grant universities as well as other industry experts. The 32nd annual conference will address relevant issues affecting beef operations.

The conference will be held on Tuesday, January 10th in Creston, Iowa, on Wednesday, January 11th in Albany, Missouri and on Thursday, January 12th in Beatrice, Nebraska. All meeting will be held from 6:00 to 9:00PM.

They request that attendees pre-register by Friday, January 6th, 2017. Calling or e-mailing with your reservation helps with meal plans and helps keep costs down. The registration fee is $25 per person. It includes a meal and a copy of the conference proceedings.

For more information , contact your local university extension office or visit our website at

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