Engineering Agreement Approved for Hiawatha Street Projects

(KNZA)--The Hiawatha City Commission has approved an engineering agreement for street improvements to be funded by a half-cent sales tax approved by voters in November.

The Commission voted 4-1 Monday evening to approve an agreement with Lawrence-based BG Consultants for the design and preparation of the construction plans and bid specifications for the project.  Commissioner Bill Collins cast the lone no vote.

The firm will be a paid a lump sum fee of $265,000 plus reimbursable expenses.

Engineer Brian Kingsley with BG Consultants said plans are to have the project ready to put out for bid in June.

Meanwhile, members of a newly appointed committee that's to help determine the fate of the downtown brick streets met with the Commission.

Mayor Steffen Shamburg discussed the expectations for the 7-member advisory committee, which is to make a recommendation to the Commission.

Shamburg told the committee members there isn't a timeframe for that to happen, but the sooner the better.

One of the first things the committee will do is to develop a questionnaire to be included with water bills to gather the input of residents on the issue.

In other action, the Commission approved a merit raise for City Administrator Mike Nichols following an executive session.  Nichols annual salary will increase to $82,000.          


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