KDA Seeks Participants for Agricultural Trade Mission to Russia

The Kansas Department of Agriculture is seeking individuals to participate in an agricultural trade mission to AgroFarm Russia. AgroFarm is an international exhibition to be held Feb. 7–9, 2017, in Moscow, and will feature all major aspects of productive animal husbandry. The goal of this mission is to provide an opportunity for Kansas purebred beef cattle producers and allied industry to continue developing relationships in Russia in an effort to increase market opportunities for Kansas farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses.

The primary activity for participants of the mission will be to interact with international agricultural representatives to promote the use of U.S. beef genetics and Kansas agricultural equipment, irrigation and water resource management, value-added processors and animal health companies. Kansas ranchers specializing in purebred beef genetics and related agribusinesses are encouraged to apply.

Selected participants will be eligible for travel stipends for airfare and hotel depending upon number of applicants and fund availability.  Participants will be responsible for the cost of meals and other incidental expenses.

KDA strives to encourage and enhance economic growth of the agriculture industry and the Kansas economy by exploring and expanding both domestic and international marketing opportunities.

For more information on the trade mission, including instructions on how to apply and application requirements, please contact Suzanne Ryan-Numrich, suzanne.numrich@ks.gov or 785-564-6704. To read more about AgroFarm Russia, go to www.agrofarm.org/english/. Deadline for submitting applications for consideration is Friday, Dec. 2, 2016.

This trade mission is funded in part by U.S. Livestock Genetic Export, Inc., and the State Trade and Export Program grant. The STEP grant is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and helps Kansas non-exporters to get started and existing exporters to export more.


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  Ninjaglobal  (01/03/2023 7:23 AM)

   Thanks for this great information on agricultural trade. Loved it.