Doniphan County Rolls Out New Website

(KAIR)--A make-over for Doniphan County in the form of a brand-new website.

“Looking at the old website—it was very hard for anyone coming to it to find any information on there in an easy way,” said Doniphan County Economic Development Director Adrienne Korson.  “Really, the whole focus was to improve the appearance, make it easier for any user and also make it easier for employees to update their own content.”

She says the new website launched last week.

She hopes the new user-friendly site will enhance the county’s communication with citizens as well as overall development for the county.

“This is filling a need to post the positive stories,” Korson said. “This is trying to show off what this beautiful, rural community does have to offer and the businesses that are here. We wanted to show that off to the world.”

Korson added there will be a business directory added to the website later, and says surveys will be coming out in the future asking residents what they think about the website in order to continually improve the site.

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