Nemaha Co Budget Advances

(KMZA)--The Nemaha County Commission has approved for publication a proposed 2017 budget of nearly $13 million that calls for a nearly one mill decrease in the property tax levy.  

The proposed budget, approved for publication Monday, contains an estimated tax rate of 48.669 mills, which is to raise nearly $7.5 million.

The county was able to lower the tax levy due to a $12 million increase in the county’s assessed valuation.

The Commission will consider adoption of the budget following a public hearing at their September 6th meeting at 10:00 in morning in the Commissioner’s room at the courthouse.

In other business, the Commission accepted the low bid submitted by AHRS Construction of Bern for the construction of additional parking on the west side of the courthouse in the total amount of  $119,500. It was among two bids received.   

The Commission also approved the purchase of  a 2015 “ broom” machine to be used to sweep county roads before they are chipped sealed.  The machine will be purchased from Murphy Tractor of Topeka for $42,335.        


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