Outside and Inside, Atchison Co Goes Tobacco Free

(KAIR)--Atchison County goes tobacco free; and, in alignment with the federal government, includes electronic cigarettes in the resolution. 

It was early last month that the Food and Drug Administration finalized a rule that extended it's authority to include all tobacco products. At that time, e-cigarettes became listed as a tobacco product, despite not all electronic cigarettes containing any tobacco-related substances. 

According to Atchison County Commissioner Jeff Schuele, the County must comply with the federal regulations, which become effective in July, leading to the inclusion of the electronic devices. 

The ban, approved Tuesday on a 3-0 vote, will include tobacco use at all county recreational facilities, including the Sports Complex, Memorial Hall, and the Atchison County Lake. 

In effect immediately, the resolution carries no monetary penalty, but those who don't comply will be removed from the affected premises. 

Schuele tells MSC News, “I did vote for this resolution. not to discourage tobacco users from using our facilities, but as a message to our youth, parents, and community that we as a county should have facilities that have clean air to breathe and grounds free of tobacco products.”

He additionally cited the 2016 Robert Woods Johnson Foundation County Health Rankings as a reason for his decision. Atchison County was ranked as one of the worst in the state, based on the number of adult smokers. 

The County Commission's vote also followed an ongoing push to ban tobacco products by the Live Well, Live Atchison organization. 

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