Job Seekers To Explore Options In Atchison

(KAIR)--Looking for a job? A hiring event going on this Thursday in Atchison may be able to help.

Kansas Works is partnering with Highland Community College Technical Center to host a hiring event from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. this Thursday, April 7 at Highland’s campus 1501 W. Riley St.

Workforce Service Specialist Shauna Downing with the Lawrence Workforce Center said this will be the first time they’ve partnered up with Highland to do an event like this. 

It’s open to the entire community. 

Downing also said she has office hours at the Highland location from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Tuesday where she is in the office. Anyone can stop by to get help with their resume.

Or they can call the Lawrence Workforce Center at (785) 840-9675. 

To register for the event as a job seeker, go to To register as an employer, e-mail Downing at

Downing said the best place to get information and updates on the event is their Facebook page: Atchison Hiring Event.

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