Warmer Weather Brings Increased Criminal Activity

(KNZA)--With the warmer weather comes an increase in criminal activity, especially burglaries and thefts.

That word from Brown County Sheriff John Merchant who says several counties have reported criminal activity and  his department is investigating a recent theft in the county.  Sometime on March 1st or 2nd a dark green/blue 1997 Kawasaki 300 ATV was reported stolen in the southeast part of the county.

Merchant says deputies have increased patrols, especially in rural areas and are on the lookout for suspicious vehicles.  He says they are also asking for the public’s assistance in reporting any suspicious vehicles. Merchant says any information residents can obtain while doing so in a safe manner would be appreciated, such as license tag number, vehicle description, direction of travel, along with number and type of occupants in the vehicle.

Merchant also encourages landowners to set up trail cameras to capture
images in case they are victims of theft.  Gates with chain locks and fences are also encouraged.  Merchant says dogs are also a good deterrent.  In addition, he says its also very beneficial to have neighbors look out after each others property.


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