Fast Acting Staff Handles Atchison Fire

(KAIR)--Atchison firefighters rushed to the scene of a popular downtown eatery Tuesday following the report of a fire at the 701 Commercial Street establishment. 

Despite initial emergency radio communications indicating Willies Sportsbar had been evacuated, Interim Atchison Fire Chief Ted Graf says that was not the case. “The situation was relatively minor,” Graf tells MSC News. “Fortunately the staff, recognizing the problem right off the bat, taking appropriate action, was the key to keeping this to a minor incident.” 

Graf says despite the small fire happening just before the noon hour, the dining area was never affected, with the matter contained only to the kitchen area. “It's believed that the cord that supplied electricity to the refrigerator, that's where the actual fire had started, and it caused some damage to the insulation surrounding that plug.” 

Once the situation was resolved, it was business as usual for the restaurant. 

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