Falls City High HOBY Rep Selected

Katie Stoller

(KLZA)-- Katie Stoller, daughter of Mike and Joleen Stoller, was selected to represent Falls City high school this summer at the annual Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership conference. 

Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) is a non-profit organization that seeks to motivate and empower young people throughout the world to make a positive difference through understanding and action based on effective and compassionate leadership. HOBY’s mission is to provide lifelong leadership opportunities that empower individuals to achieve their highest potential. 

HOBY was founded in 1958 by veteran actor Hugh O’Brian after a visit with Dr. Albert Schweitzer at his clinic in Africa. Motivated by Dr. Schweitzer O’Brian established HOBY. Since its beginning, more than 355,000 young people have 

participated in HOBY’s programs throughout the world. Annually, over 20,000 public and private high schools are invited to select an outstanding tenth grader to attend HOBY leadership development seminars that are run principally by a dedicated group of over 4000 volunteers.    


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