Brown Co Relay For Life To Happen Friday

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File Photo:Survivors making the final turn during the survivors lap on the Hiawatha High School Track.

(KNZA)--Recognizing the survivors of cancer, remembering those who have succumbed, and raising funds for the continuing battle against it, is the goal of the Brown County Relay For Life planned for Friday night at the Hiawatha High School Track. 

Volunteer Lora Brobst says the theme this year is “IGNITE HOPE...BLAST CANCER.” “The event gears up at 6 PM,” Brobst tells MSC News. “There will be a concession stand along with more food choices by some of the teams.”  

Brobst says a number of family friendly activities, including the fundraising silent auction, will take place from the time the Relay For Life starts until it ends at midnight Saturday. “The silent auction will have a lot of featured items, different things like tickets to the Omaha Zoo, Kansas City Zoo, or the KC T Bones.  There's lots of gift certificates to local businesses for all kinds of things like eating out, getting family pictures, exercising, even washing the mud off your truck. There's also all kinds of things like hand embroidered tea towels, remote control tractor. The thing is, we just encourage you to come find something you might like that you'll eventually use and bid on it.” 

A tradition of the Relay, the Luminaria Ceremony, will again be held. However, Brobst says the candlelight memorial, held in remembrance of those who lost the battle to cancer, is planned for 9:30 Friday evening, earlier than in past years. “The Luminaria Ceremony has been moved up a half-hour earlier. Upon it's completion, because of this year's theme, Ignite Hope, Blast Cancer, we're planning a few seconds worth of beautiful fireworks and like to think of it in terms of an explosion of hope to complete that ceremony.” 

Brobst says last year's Brown County Relay For Life generated around $40,000. “As far as the monetary goal, it's always to meet or exceed last year. We just always appreciate each dollar donated. We're lucky to have dollars come in from sponsors, from teams, from individuals, lots of different fundraisers that go on in the community and fundraising that goes on at the event. Each one of those dollars that comes in helps to make a difference.” 

Following the 6:00 registration and 6:30 dinner and short program, Opening Ceremonies will begin at 7:00. That will include a Victory Lap, with all area cancer survivors invited to take part as guests of honor. 

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