Atchison Area Chamber Of Commerce To Receive Grant

(KAIR)--The Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce has been awarded an Interpretive grant totaling $5,000 from Freedom's Frontier National heritage Area for an upcoming mural project.

Chamber President Jacque Pregont says the grant will allow the chamber's ongoing mural program to continue, which was started with the mural currently going up on the side of the Aunt Pearl's Attic building. Pregont says there are also plans in place for one to be painted on the TABS building and the chamber “decided through Freedom's Frontier that we can continue the story of our history through murals, and that we had something that would qualify for their grant. It's about Jessie Stone, and I think that there are probably still a lot of people in town who don't know much about Jessie Stone.”

Pregont says the mural will serve as a tool to tell Stone's story. “He wrote the famous rock and roll song 'Shake, rattle. And roll', as well as many other songs...he was just very instrumental in the very beginning stages of rock and roll and in the acceptance of black musicians and black music by the white community. It was a big part of the integration of rock and roll music.”

Pregont says the chamber is in the process of selecting a building for the project, and hopes to have in completed within the next year.

The Freedom Frontier Interpretive Grant was established in 2012. Since then, more than 25 projects have been awarded grant funding.


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