Update: Armed Bank Robbery In Humboldt Nebraska

(KLZA)-- Richardson County Sheriff Don Pounds said Monday that no one was injured during an armed robbery at the American National Bank in Humboldt, Saturday morning.

The Sheriff said there were two people working at the bank when the robber, described as a white male in his 40’s entered the bank about 11:15 a-m.  The man was armed with a handgun. He was dressed in all black clothing and wearing a mask. The amount of money the robber took has not been reported.  Sheriff Pounds also said no one was able to see any type of getaway vehicle. 

American National Bank President Adrian Breen said he could not comment on the robbery, but was happy no one was hurt. He said staff members did exactly what they were supposed to do. 

The Richardson County Sheriff’s Office was notified by security equipment at the bank of the robbery at 11:13 a-m and the Sheriff’s Office confirmed a short time later that a robbery had occurred. 

The Sheriff’s Office responded to the call and the FBI was notified immediately.  All bank robbery cases fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI.


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