Seneca's Insurance Cost Going Up

(KNZA)--The city of Seneca will pay $13,000 more for its insurance coverage.  

The City Council Wednesday evening heard a presentation from SBS Insurance Services, of Seneca, regarding its policy renewal with EMC insurance for coverage which among other things includes liability, auto, property and workers comp.  The renewal rate is $137,593.

The increase was attributed to the loss of a fire truck in 2013, which was damaged in a flood.

While the council approved renewal of the policy, it directed the city administrator and SBS to look into different coverage’s for the city’s vehicles to possibly lower the premium.

The policy renewed on April 1st.  The Council has 30 days to make adjustments to the policy.

In other business, a new permanent flag memorial will be installed at the City Cemetery as part of an Eagle Scout project by Dawson Willmeth.

The Council agreed to have the city remove the current flag pole at the cemetery and to allow Willmeth and the Avenue of Flags committee to erect a new flag pole. The council also voted to donate a total of $450 to the Avenue of Flags committee to pay for power to illuminate the flag.  $200 of that is to  cover the installation of power and the other $250 to pay for the first year of electric service. 

Mayor Joe Mitchell said he didn’t think it was the city’s responsibility to pay for power to the cemetery, but instead should be the Avenue of Flags Committee’s responsibility. 

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