Increase in Whooping Cough Around Richardson County

(KTNC) Richardson County Emergency Management is currently assisting The Southeast District Health Department in their investigation into an increase of the bacterial infection Pertussis, or Whooping Cough, in Pre-School, Elementary, Middle School, and Elderly persons. Pertussis is a respiratory infection that starts with symptoms that are very similar to the common cold and continues with a progressively more severe cough followed by difficulty breathing and vomiting. The infection usually lasts up to 4-8 weeks and can be fatal, especially for young children, if not treated appropriately.

Pertussis is very contagious. The best way to prevent the spread of Pertussis is vaccination of both children and adults. The current vaccine is given in combination with diphtheria and tetanus. Any person not sure of their vaccination status should contact their primary healthcare provider. All people who have the infection should not come in contact with others until they have been cleared to do so by their healthcare provider.

If you need assistance in being vaccinated or have additional question about becomingvaccinated, please call the Southeast District Health Department at 402-274-3993 or toll-free at 877-777-0424

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