Fake Cop Targets Second Victim

(KMZA)--For the second time this week, a fake police officer targets a Marysville area motorist. 

Marshall County area authorities say it happened early Wednesday morning when the suspect's white pick-up truck, equipped with a single red light, blocked 2nd Road at U.S. Highway 36, west of Marysville. 

A motorist driving through that location was then followed by the truck, and stopped on 36, apparently believing it to be an authentic law enforcement officer. 

The truck's driver was thorough in attempting the scam, dressed in a full black uniform complete with a badge. He told the intended victim he was was armed with a search warrant and demanded to search the vehicle. 

Realizing the man wasn't a legitimate police officer, the would-be-victim drove off, only to be followed for another mile by the truck, but no further contact occurred. 

The fake officer is described as 6 feet tall with brown hair and a black mustache. 

His white truck is described as having chrome running boards with a magnetic antenna on the box of the truck. 

Anyone with information about the incident should call 785-562-2343 or 785-562-3141. 

The Marshall County Sheriff's Department and the Marysville Police Department are working together in the investigation. 

A similar incident, involving the same truck, and likely the same driver, happened Sunday evening. That intended victim also drove away when realizing the officer was fake. 

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