Atchison Water Purification Project Proceeding

(KAIR)--Atchison city officials have been working for the past two years to transition to an ozone-based water purification process to the city.

During this time, the ozone manufacturers have increased their price, leading to an increased cost to the city to implement the method. City Manager Trey Cocking says the city is moving forward with the project despite the added cost based on the overall good it will do the system from a disinfection standpoint, and from a taste and odor standpoint. Also, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment is paying 30 percent of the total cost of the project.

Cocking adds the end results will be worth the cost. He says in the end, they think it will give them a much better water system, and they will no longer have to send notices out to Atchison residents telling them there is too much disinfection bi-product in the water, because with this new system, chlorine will be eliminated as the primary treatment, though a little will still be used as a secondary treatment method.

With this new ozone based method, Cocking says they will not have to worry about the chlorine bi-products the city has had issues with in the past.

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