Bullying Can Often Lead To Long Term Emotional Pain

(KAIR)--There is little doubt that a child who has become the victim of a bully can have at least some negative effects from the experience. Joshua Snyder, who is the director of Safe School, Healthy Kids program in USD 377 admits that the problem has been going on for some time, though there is some hope on the horizon. Schools are now starting to attack the problem, and find out exactly what causes bullying. He says that each bullying situation is different, and as such, each case needs to be treated in it's own special way.

Although, there is another method of dealing with the problem that Snyder believes would work a lot better. He firmly believes in prevention, in that if we start to teach our kids when they are young that it is wrong to treat other people in a negative way, then they are less likely to engage in this kind of behavior, and this is something that can carry over into adulthood.

With the advent of social media sites, a lot of kids are broadcasting their pain and perhaps even their plans to deal with the problem, but Snyder says that this is not the case all of the time. A lot of the time, kids will keep their feelings inside, and no one else will know until it is tragically, too late to do anything about it.

Snyder encourages everyone, not just kids who feel as though they are the victim of a bully, to speak up and say something so the behavior can be stopped as soon as possible.

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