Warmer Temperatures Helping NW Missouri Crops

(KTNC) - Warmer temperatures and adequate soil moisture are helping corn and soybean crops in northwest Missouri grow rapidly.
 In the latest area crop outlook, Wayne Flanary, a Regional Agronomist with the University of Missouri Extension, says corn is growing rapidly, putting on a leaf every two days.  Soybeans are established and are filling in and growing.
 Flanary says there were some soybean seedling diseases early in the growing season and some farmers replanted poor stands of beans.  Few cornfields were replanted.  He says saturated soils caused some nitrogen deficiencies to occur in area cornfields and supplemental nitrogen has been applied to those fields.
 Good yields are being reported as wheat harvest is continuing in northwest Missouri.  Some fields had scab that caused some of the heads to be blighted.
 Good news is reported with the hay harvest, with yields up 30-to-50-percent and growers baling and storing hay.
 Flanary says they need to continue to get timely rains to maximize plant growth.  He says growers should also continue to watch crops for pests that may attack their crops.

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