July 8 KRC Grazing Conference Call 7:30 p.m
Join other grazers from across the state of Kansas in a telephone conversation with Kansas State University's Gary Kilgore and Keith Harmoney at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of the month. Hosted by the Kansas Rural Center, these informal discussions will cover all aspects of grazing management.
Who should participate?
Dale K. April Pasture Walks 2013
Grazing call leader Dale Kirkham at a spring
pasture walk.
Farmers, ranchers and educators. Anyone who is interested in grazing!
What's the benefit to me?
This is an opportunity to learn how you can use complementary forages to extend your grazing season, gain management tips and explore ideas to improve profitability while you responsibly manage your natural resources.
How do I participate in the call?
Our conference call will be hosted by Copper Conferencing.
Anyone can join in the call by simply dialing in 1-877-304-5632. You will then be prompted to dial in a Conference Room Number. Please dial in 300 346 2424 and follow it with the # sign. This will be a toll free call. You are welcome to leave or join the call at anytime between 7:30 and 9 pm.
For more information please contact Dale Kirkham at 620-344-0202.
To receive an email reminder of the call, send a request to Mary Fund at ksrc@rainbowtel.net.

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