Auburn Board of Public Works Meets At New Time Thursday

(KLZA) The Auburn Board of Public Works will be meeting in regular session on Thursday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m. at the Auburn City Hall, 1101 J Street in Auburn NE.  The City Council recently voted to change the date, time,  and location of the BPW regularly scheduled monthly meetings.  The new meeting date and time is scheduled as the second Thursday of each month at the Auburn City Hall.  This will be our first meeting with the new time, date, and location.

During the meeting action is expected on authorization to pay off $6.1 million to USDA this month.  Money to make the payment would come from new bonds plus more than $100,000 in sewer funds.

Discussion is scheduled on funding alternatives for the West Water line project and whether or not the BPW will fund the unfunded portion of the project.

Summer repair projects for the City of Auburn, Village of Johnson and the Southwest Feeder Line will be reviewed.  Recommendations from the staff on four manhole projects will be reviewed.

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