35-Year-Old Local Tragedy Subject Of New Book

Hiawatha native Melody Hathaway holds the cover of the ebook she has written about the 1977 disappearance of her son, Jeremy.

(KNZA)--A 35-year-old tale of tragedy that gripped the region while gaining national attention as it unfolded locally, is now set published as a digital book. 

The author is Hiawatha native Melody Hathaway whose 4-year-old son, Jeremy, disappeared in 1977, when they resided in Atchison(Play Audio) 

In the ebook, titled “Jeremy's Cry,” Hathaway relays how it felt to learn, as a first time parent, that her son was deaf, and how, after working to conquer that challenge, the nightmare that unfolded when he disappeared(Play Audio) 

Hathaway recalls the strong support she and her family received, as thousands volunteered to search for Jeremy, including the use of a world renowned police dog that helped put her sense of not knowing to rest(Play Audio) 

By writing the book, based on notes she began making two years after Jeremy's disappearance, Hathaway hopes that she can help other parents who might have similar stories of loss(Play Audio) 

Hathaway says the decision to use the ebook, or digital format, came about through what she sees as divine guidance, after years of wanting to publish her story(Play Audio) 

“Jeremy's Cry” is available to purchase, for $8.99, on Amazon.com, and can be downloaded to read on many types of digital devices, including the iphone. 

The digital cover for the ebook is based on a finger painting by Jeremy. 

Hathaway still plans to publish her story in a traditional book form, saying she will use the money raised through sales of the ebook format to fund that goal. 


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